SIMX16 – Flyer Plate @15 Million Frames Per Second – From our friends at Specialised Imaging
This sequence is showing a very small plate being ejected from a platform. The field-of-view is approximately 12mm x 12mm and shows the millimetre sized plate is moving at 10km/s. Such a small and fast moving object requires a very fast frame rate (15Mfps) and extremely short (10nS) exposure time to provide enough images and freeze the motion blur. The purpose of the test was to check the consistency of two parameters from multiple tests: 1)The timing of the plate release relative to the input trigger – which is common to the camera and event, and 2) to see whether the plate direction of flight was correct (perpendicular to the platform). The event is back lit with collimated light using an SI-LUX laser. This shows the plate and debris as a clearly defined shadow and also allows the generated shockwaves to be seen.
The Specialised Imaging SIMD16 Resolution:
- 1280x960px Exposure time: 10nS
- Inter-frame time: 67nS
- Frame Rate: 15,000,000 FPS
- Event: Micro FlyerPlate
- Illumination: Back illumination with SI-LUX
The Specialised Imaging SIMD16, Duplex multi channel framing camera, up to 32 images without creating shading or parallax.
Up to 1 billion frames per second. Highly accurate timing and fully flexible intensified CCD sensors provide almost infinite control over interframe time, gain and exposure to capture even the most difficult ultra-fast phenomena.
What was the purpose of this?
Micron sized flyer plates moving at kilometres per second can provide a repeatable method of generating extremely fast projectiles in laboratory conditions. The range of applications include materials testing for defence applications and the initiation of secondary explosives. They are far too small and fast for the naked eye, or a conventional high-speed video camera to capture, so to really understand what is happening during their extremely fast but short flights, it is necessary to capture as many consecutive images as possible using an ultra-high speed framing camera.
To see more, please visit our friends at Specialised Imaging