New Phantom TMX High-Speed Cameras

Vision Research, a leading manufacturer of digital high-speed imaging systems, brings the latest innovation to high-speed imaging applications with the introduction of the Phantom® TMX Series. The TMX Series features the first high-speed cameras to use back side...

Extra-Terrestrial Motors

Surfing Back To Earth How did life actually form on Earth? Even today this question still has not been definitively answered. There are, however, signs that asteroids or comets played an important role. In the search for additional clues, space probes fly to these...

Ultrahigh-Speed Imaging

SIMX16 – Flyer Plate @15 Million Frames Per Second – From our friends at Specialised Imaging This sequence is showing a very small plate being ejected from a platform. The field-of-view is approximately 12mm x 12mm and shows the millimetre sized plate is...

Dissecting Time

Dissecting Time – being able to slowly and carefully go through events that happen in the blink of an eye, or even less. Our friends at Specialised Imaging have published a new article on the development of the science and techniques which can help us understand...

Stelltron – A story of 3D printers

Horne Technologies is primarily focused on high-end, high-precision electromechanical, motion control and optical systems and components. However we also have a “Tinkerers Section”. Stelltron ( It’s where engineers and...

Colour imagery at 3ns exposure

Colour imagery at 3ns exposure? Possible? Myth? In fact, its the truth. Our friends at Specialised Imaging have pushed the bar that much further again! We are proud to announce the launch of the SIR-C colour range camera, capable of producing high resolution (2336 x...

Ultra precise motor positioning feedback

For ultra precise motor positioning feedback – Our friends at FAULHABER have released a new encoder – the AEMT-12/16 L absolute encoder. We proudly present our new encoder family memberThe new magnetic absolute encoder delivers in combination with...